We Believe:
- THAT the right of the individual to achieve the best that is within, as long as he respects the rights of others, is the source of our Nation's strength
- THAT government exists to protect the freedom of opportunity in which each individual's creative ability can flourish
- THAT the government activities should be limited to those things which people cannot do at all, or cannot do so well for themselves
- THAT the most effective government is government closest to the people
- THAT those who cannot provide for themselves should be assisted by both government and society, but that every effort should be made to help them become self-supporting, productive citizens with pride in the independence
- THAT equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity belong to all, regardless of race, creed, age, sex or national origin
- THAT the preservation of our Nation and the security of our citizens depend upon the Constitution, the laws, and the courts, and that respect for them is the responsibility of every individual
- THAT government is accountable for maintaining sound money and a responsible economy. Individual rights, liberties and properties are continually eroded when citizens are oppressed by excessive taxation, inflation, government waste and over-regulation
- THAT government is responsible for national defense and that only a strong America can remain a free America
- THAT it is absolutely essential to maintain a strong national defense posture in order that we may at all times negotiate from a position of strength, not weakness, in our continuing efforts toward world peace and friendship
- THAT these concepts are the foundation of our national strength and that the REPUBLICAN PARTY, which is committed to their preservation, is the party of today and the PARTY FOR THE FUTURE
Political Advertising Paid for by the Ellis County Republican Women.
613 Ferris Ave, Suite 107, Waxahachie, Tx 75165
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613 Ferris Ave, Suite 107, Waxahachie, Tx 75165
Contributions are not federal tax deductible as charitable contributions.
Corporate Contributions Are Not Permitted.