Ellis County Republican Women (ECRW) was organized in 1982, in Ellis County, Texas. ECRW is a working organization of dynamic and diverse women who choose to volunteer their time and raise funds for Republican candidates and other community projects. ECRW is also setup as a learning tool for women to stay informed on elections and political processes.
Our community outreach projects include the Barbara Bush Literacy Library Project (BBLLP) and the Mamie Eisenhower Library Project (MELP), both of these programs are to foster Republican philosophy and ideas through the donation of subject related books to area schools and libraries; the Constitution Project, which provides a pocket sized United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence for fifth graders in Ellis County; and the Scholarship program for Ellis County High School Seniors.
The objectives of our organization are:
To be an official auxiliary to the duly constituted Republican organization in the State of Texas, and to support the objectives and policies of the Republican National, State and County Executive Committees and to work for the election of the Republican Party's nominees
To promote an informed electorate through political education and activity
To increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government through active political participation
To facilitate cooperation among Republican Women's Organizations
To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and to promote its principles and candidates in all elections including non-partisan elections
To work for the election of the Republican party's nominees
Political Advertising Paid for by the Ellis County Republican Women. 613 Ferris Ave, Suite 107, Waxahachie, Tx 75165 Contributions are not federal tax deductible as charitable contributions. Corporate Contributions Are Not Permitted.